Initiatives: Key Projects

Clap for Hong Kong

Appreciation for the people keeping the community safe from the pandemic

Launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in April 2020,  the Hong Kong Community Foundation’s “Clap for HK” initiative aimed to show support and gratitude for the city’s healthcare workers and other front-line workers by encouraging people to clap their hands  in appreciation of the unsung heroes who have been working tirelessly to keep the community safe from the pandemic. Widely embraced by the community, the thoughtful gesture helped boost the morale of these dedicated workers.

Cheers to COVID heroes
Hong Kong citizens enthusiastically participated the Clap for Hong Kong event and expressed their heartfelt thanks to medical practitioners, carers, emergency services, cleaners and workers, giving cheers to show appreciation to all the COVID heroes from the window or door or balcony or on the street.